Premium Service & Lasting Results
In recent years, ants have become one of the most prolific household pests. They are among the most successful of insects – the most challenging to rid from your home. There are approximately 12,000 ant species known worldwide, but only about 40 are known to reside in the United States. At ValuePest, we know pests so you don’t have to. Our premium ant control team has the experience necessary to keep them away from your home.
To learn about our ValuePest Ultimate System service and to schedule ant removal, please call us at (866) 366-8683 or reach out to us online.
What You Need to Know about Ants
Ants are social insects, living in colonies that may house thousands of members. Each colony member has specific duties and responsibilities that ensure the colony’s success.
Ants have a “complete metamorphosis,” which means they have a four-stage life cycle: egg, larva, pupa, and adult.
The types of ants found within colonies are:
- Workers – The workers of an ant colony spend their day foraging for food, cleaning the colony, and caring for the eggs of the colony members. Workers are often discovered by homeowners when they are observed moving back and forth in a straight line once a food source has been found.
- Reproductives – Each ant colony has a Queen and other reproductive members. The reproductive members swarm during mating season to create new colonies. Like termites, the males quickly die after mating and the new Queens are left in charge of the new colony development.

How We Approach Ant Control
Proper control procedures in and around homes or other structures depend greatly on the species of ant involved. Proper identification is the key to ant control success.
Our professional ant removal process includes:
- Inspection – The first step in any professional treatment program is inspection. Where are the ants coming from and where are they going to? Where are their nesting sites, food, and moisture sources?
- Identification – Before you can treat ants, you must know which species of ant you are dealing with because different ant species will react in different ways to treatment.
- Determination – Once you have identified the ant species you must determine the proper treatment process for that particular species. Which treatments—baits, liquid repellents, or exterior granular applications—will work best for this infestation?
- Control – Ensuring the correct application of product.
- Communication – The last part of a successful ant control program is communication. Our technician reports what was found during our inspection, what we did about it and what you can expect from our treatment in the future.
Call our team today at (866) 366-8683 or contact us online to learn more about how we can take care of your home.